Administration and Management of Pain Medications


The Critical Outcome of this lesson is to help Emergency Nurses to assess, identify, and manage acute and chronic pain within the emergency setting.

Author(s): Michelle MunroView Details of Author
Year: 2013
Keywords: Administration, Management, Pain, Medications, Emergency Nursing,
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Define the types of pain and complications of pain management

Delineate pain physiology and mechanisms of addressing pain with medications

Define the general assessment of the patient in pain

Delineate the nursing process and role in the management of the patient with acute and chronic pain

Apply the nursing process when analyzing a case scenario/patient simulation

Predict differential diagnosis when presented with specific information regarding the history of a patient

List and know the common drugs used in the emergency department to manage the painful conditions and conduct procedural sedation

Consider age-specific factors



University of Michigan (UM)

Ghana Emergency Nurses Collaborative Project